Where are you?

[image of a really nifty
old car]

Well, the short answer is you've found Utopia. Utopia Parkway[tm] is a netzine, a rather schizophrenic love-child created by the clashing of three enthusiastic minds and the net. This is only half of the little tyke- the other part being a monthly emailing. The UP Web page, updated once a month, archives back issues of the emailing and interview transcripts, enable you to view the insanities you will have read so much about, and link up pages/archives of those-whom-we-much-admire (TMBG, Kids in the Hall, M. LaBruce) as well as that-which-we-cannot-condone (foolish pages - I'm sure you've been there already). The e-mailing is each month's "issue" - it generally contains a main article, or two, perhaps an interview with someone special, some regular features tossed in (recipies from the Utopia Parkway Diner, vingettes, reviews, a running list of inexplicably bizarre road signs...), and whatever else we can dig up.

To subscribe, send a note to kmpicker@midway.uchicago.edu and ask. Or, provided it's working, try our new Utopia Parkway[tm] Subscription Form. It's real easy - since this is handled by a real live human being for the moment, there are no tricks as to whether requests need to go in the body or subject line, or key words, etc. It also means that if you're unsubscribing, you better include a good excuse...;) Just make sure you have your correct address in the message somewhere. This sounds easy, but if you are at this moment sitting in a computer lab somewhere, about to click on our address and subscribe (YAY!!! Way to go!!), um, make sure you either set your address under "preferences" or throw it in the message somewhere. 'Cause we could very easily subscribe "NetscapeUser@maclab.edu," but it would have a little trouble finding you. In conclusion, we'd like to reiterate one simple theme, one you should be finding yourself familiar with by now: subscribe! It's fun! It's easy! It won't cause cancer! It's free! Subscribe!

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