Originally introduced to the world at large in Utopia Parkway[tm] 2:1, Randyman's Ready Reference section has now found a permanent online home. [please pause for cheers and bows.] If you'd like to send Randyman a non sequitur in a language he doesn't have below, please forward them care of Utopia Parkway, at kmpicker@midway.uchicago.edu Also, we're trying to collect the correct spellings for each of the languages we do have - if you're burning to contribute in that capacity, mail us at the same address. Thanks!
Hey, youse UPsters. Those of you who know me, know that I am a man of sundry and diverse interests (albeit mostly silly ones). As such, one of my hobbies for the past several years has been to collect a totally useless phrase in every language I could. I share with you now the fruits of my labors to date. Note: all phrases are spelled phonetically. --randyman
"Yog air oost"
"I am cheese."
("Jag ar ost.")
"Vo ist dee nahesteh Koo?"
"Where is the nearest cow?"
("Wo ist die nächste Kuh?")
"Je cwah que je vah crachay une bool de pwah."
"I think I am going to cough up a fur ball."
"Kurata bilong mi laik planti kaikai plis."
"My octopus would like lots of food, please."
"LahkPOSHtam dareh mireh az keshVAHR"
"My turtle has left the country."
"Mi hundo estas en vi hundo."
"My dog is in your dog."
"Gahn cock een dee meeleese."
"Go shit in the cornfields."
"Ya NEmoozhoo dYEleet dvaNAATsky."
"I cannot divide by twelve."
"Maah nukt, boat ZAda, geRAba RUCK-da heh."
"I keep extra socks in my nose."
"Maya kowshka balshyaya chem vasha naga."
"My cat is larger than your foot."
"Mine ooLEEB HUHthee."
"It's wet today."
(If you've ever been to Wales, you know why this is a useless phrase. It's
always wet there.)
"Neequeemeecteetohk eenana Bambee."
"I killed Bambi's mother."
"Yay aar VAN-li-vis OPP-tatt may schoett."
"I am usually occupied with meat."
("Jeg er vanligvis opptatt med kjøtt.")
"shara shoptaho ami opishe khati, ar tumi amake phulkopi
ene diecho."
"I slave away in an office all week, and you have brought me
"Bent ew min-EER Boot?"
"Are you Mr. Boot?"
("Bent U Mijnheer Boot?")