Welcome One and All
To Our Historic Dead Zine
Yes, that's right, the paragraph below describes only a zine that
used to be, but is alas no longer. We killed it off in the Spring of
1996, and what you see here is merely the ghost of Zine Past. We are
happy to announce, however, that the complete archives are once again
available (except for, ahem, a few things that got lost in the shuffle), and
this time will hopefully stay up for generations to come (which in net
time is, what, five years? If we're lucky?) Those of you who are new
to the Parkway in this, its latest incarnation, might want to check
out the history page for a more comprehensive
orientation into our little world. Thank you, dearies all. -mgmt.
Where are you?
Well, the short answer is you've found Utopia. Utopia Parkway[tm] is a
netzine, a rather schizophrenic love-child created by the clashing of
three enthusiastic minds and the net. This is only half of the little
tyke- the other part being a monthly emailing. The UP Web page,
updated once a month, archives back
issues of the emailing and interview transcripts, enable you to
view the insanities you will have read so much about,
and link up pages/archives of those-whom-we-much-admire (TMBG, Kids in
the Hall, M. LaBruce) as well as that-which-we-cannot-condone
(foolish pages - I'm sure you've been there already). The e-mailing is
each month's "issue" - it generally contains a main article, or two,
perhaps an interview with someone special, some regular features
tossed in (recipies from the Utopia Parkway Diner, vingettes, reviews,
a running list of inexplicably bizarre road signs...), and whatever
else we can dig up.