Since, of course, I'm seeking my fair or unfair share of brownie points, I decided to write a dripping letter of congratulation to the UP bunch. This about sums it up: I laughed so hard I still hurt. (Kevin J. Turneau kjt6545@is2.NYU.EDU)
Did you know that I can't access most of the links from the Utopia Parkway? I keep getting 404 Not Found messages. Wassup wid dat? (Matt[Sorry guys - because of - *ahem* - disk space considerations (let's just say we've got enough GIFs crammed in here to choke the most magnanimous of sysadmins. No, really. It's happened.), we've got our stuff spread around a number of obliging servers. And often, one or more of them is down. Please be patient and try again later...We *are* working on a plan that will alleviate most of these problems. But you have to understand, our plan to dominate the universe has to come first. Thanks. -ed.]
Pretty keen. So keen, in fact, that merely saying "keen" doesn't seem like an adequate enough reward for all your work. However, not having the money to buy you a small fiefdom (besides, you already live in a castle and have that cyber-fief anyway), I must instead read to you from a random entry in "Mrs. Byrne's Dictionary of Unusual, Obscure, and Preposterous Words": (rifling through pages) Ah. Here we go -- "quoz (n.) - something ridiculous, absurd, or strange." And another: "quonking (n.) - side-line chatter that disturbs a performer (slang)." (The Highly Illustrious Randyman
One of the best i have ever seen!!!! As it happens I am at work and within view of a "Box of Rags" box!!!! You knew that, didn't you???? (Patrick Brooks
...oh... and i was wondering... whose feet are those on your page? (Jesse A. Kozloski[An excellent question. We're delighted to inform you that those are the feet of Gerald R. Ford there on the right, and Mr. Boutros Boutros-Ghali himself on the left. -ed.]
Yes. Please sign me up. I apologize for ending a sentence in a preposition, but these things happen. My address is:, my name is: Judy van Wingerden[Well, Judy, we understand the difficulties you encountered, but we think it's asking just a *bit* much to think we could forgive you for. This grave error in. Judgement on. This particular area of. Grammar in. Our beautiful mother toungue around. ...nevermind. -ed.]
I thought I'd let you know that I am filing a suit against you and your fellow Utopia creators. My Utopia is nothing like this, and I feel you have mislead me in my own attempt to find Utopia. I could have been climbing mountains in Tibet, or seeking solace in Brazil, but instead I have floundered around your web page, looking for Utopia. You can expect a summons and other legal stuff in the days to come. (David A. Gilman[Bet you didn't count on us calling 1-800-LAWYERS, did you? Ha ha *HA*! Now go back to your so-called utopia, your false reality. But do drop by for tea next Tuesday? -ed.]
chug a chug a Jess train! chug a chug a Jess train! chug a chug a Nathan train! chug a chug a Nathan train! chug a chug Lesley train! Chug a chug a Lesley train! chug a chug a Matt train! chug a chug a Matt train! chug a chug a fast train! chug a chug a fast train! bleepy bloopy robot girl! bleepy bloopy! robot girl! It's cold outside and they will kill you if you don't cry for your mother.( Robert Hickey)
I've decided to skip the middle man. I'm making my own RAM. All it takes is some honey, some thread, and some plastic. I'm upgrading to a gig of RAM. I'll make you some too. ( Robert Hickey)[Wow, sounds like a real gravy train. -ed.]