IS THIS TOMORROW is published for one purpose - TO MAKE YOU THINK! To make you more alert to the menace of Communism. To Make You THINK
Today, there are approximately 85,000 official members of the Communist Party in the United States. There are hundreds of additional members whose names are not carried on the Party roles because acting as disciplined fifth columnists of the Kremlin, they have wormed their way into key positions in government offices, trade unions, and other positions of public trust.
Communists themselves claim that for every official Party member, there are ten others ready, willing, and able to do the Party's bidding.
These people are working day and night - laying the groundwork to overthrow YOUR GOVERMENT!
The average American is prone to say, "It Can't Happen Here." Millions of people in other countries used to say the same thing.
Today, they are dead - or living in Communist slavery. IT MUST NOT HAPPEN HERE!
IS THIS TOMORROW is being distributed as a public service by the CATECHETICAL GUILD Educational Society (145 E. 5th St., St. Paul1, Minn.)
To attend club meetings, read the Party press and literature, pay dues regularly and be active on behalf of the program and policies of the Party. 1946 MEMBERSHIP CARD
Right and Duties of Party Members
To at all times loyally defend the interests of the workingclass against the forces of fascism and reaction.
To fight against all forms of national oppression, discrimination and segregation, and all ideaological influences and practices of "racial" theories.
To fight for the full social, political and economic equality of the Negro people, for Negro and white unity.
To participate in working out all policies and tasks of the club, and to regularly examine the execution of such policies.
To vote for all officers, committees and delegates, and be elected to any office or committee in accord with provisions of the Constitution.
To appeal any decision with which there is disagreement to the next higher body, carrying out the decision while appeal is pending.
To strive to master the program and policies of the Party, the principles or Marxism-Leninism.
Pictures and text courtesy of "Better Dead Than Red!": A Nostalgic Look at the Golden Years of Russiaphobia, Red-Baiting, and Other Commie Madness by Michael Barson.