Despots' Log (a.k.a., the Editors' Page)

Utopia Parkway is brought to you by:

DEBUT: Reader Mail!!

Aw. Ya'll have been so sweet. Even those of you who had no idea what you were getting into:

Please subscribe me to Utopia P- oops I can't read my handwriting. Looks like "Picuas" well, you know what it is. (aster@MIT.EDU)

"UP"? Sure, subscribe me! I'll try anything once! (Well, not grad-level biochem, but that's different.) (

Not to be confused with the "Antelope Freeway" in LA, and certainly not the dreaded "Outer Loop" in several cities, please subscribe! I have no idea what IT is, but I suppose that won't last. (

So what is this netzine, Utopia Parkway? Can it help me with the algae in my fish tanks? Send it! ( (Jeffrey RR Skrentny))

[why, yes it will! Lucky you! -ed.]

I would love to subscribe to Utopia Parkway. I don't owe you my firstborn or my car, do I? (

[well, that all depends....what kind of car? -ed.]

Some of you were informative:
Hmm...I was checking for spelling, and it says here in Webster's Fifth that a dystopia is: "an imaginary place which is depressingly wretched and whose people lead a fearful existence". I wonder why someone would bother to imagine that. ( (Carolyn Gramling))
Some of you made our week:
Ok. I'm an alum of "THE College" and "THE School of Medicine" as well as an inveterate hacker. I've blundered, somewhat purposefully on your page. Looks like the level of mania has not changed since I left in '71. My daughter is looking to apply to "The College" and I thought I'd kind of snoop around to make sure that students at the U of C remain as bizarre, individualistic and eccentric as in the past. No disappointment! So sign me up for your 'zine.... (Philip M. Gelber M.D. (

i'm amanda's roommate & she refuses to share her issue with me. i plan retaliation at about three this morning. please save my sanity & send to me volume 1 issue 1 ASAP before i snap & do something i'll regret when i'm indicted. (rose katherine toomey (

You have the best HTML page I've seen on campus! Finally some creativity! :) (

Thanks for keeping the Net erudite, amusing, fraught-with-TMBG (yah!), and spinning on an unremitting sugar-high! It's nice to find a cool Web Page, and niftier still when that electronic offspring is Actually Taken Care Of. I imagine it must be a lot of sweat as well as sweet, so in short: thank you for keeping (?) C-Space gorgeous! ( (Andrew Sage))

Some of you were awe-inspiringly witty, ranging from the not-so-vaguely threatening to the truly poetic (usually encompassing both):
Subscribe me, dammit. Or do I have to cut off one of your fingers? (Bruno Puntz-Jones (

Want Utopia Parkaway!  Want! Want! Wan'! Wan' it!  Wan' it! Wan' i'! Wa' i'!
Send!  Quick!  Mus' have!  Mus' halve! Mus' haf!

Got it?

Thank you for your cooperation.

(Marvin of 41 fame (

i want it...this..this crazy utopia thing. give it to me, ok? (Douglas B Hollywood (

I have discovered a great void in my life that only _Utopia Parkway_ can fill. Please subscribe me to this proliferation of utter brilliance before something dreadful happens to me. Please! Please! PLEASE!!!! Thank you. (Sara Lloyd (

hey, I can't live another day without a subscription to Utopia Parkway! *blink* *shakes head* *blink* these are not the droids I'm looking for *blink* Wait, what am I doing here? (Khedron (

I'd like to subcribe to the Utopia Parkway, because I believe it will brighten my days and light up my nights. (

[such faith! Entirely warranted by reality, we're certain. -ed.]

...but I want my Kari-in-a-Box, dammit. (Alan Terlep" (

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