The Utopia Parkway Diner

Have a seat. Did you need a menu? Here you go. Oh, the bathroom? It's down the hall and to the left.

Our special this evening is a delectable holiday treat - JELLO [tm] EGGS!! Seeing as how the Utopia Parkway Diner, like many things, doesn't actually exist in most planes of reality, by this bizarre twist of existential logic, you have to make them yourself:

Step 1:

Seek out JELL-O.
aisle sign]

Step 2:

Select a few nice flavors. Avoid the chocolate pudding.
[the Jello shelf]

Step 3:

JELL-O is not to be confused with Kraut juice, often found in the same aisle. Mysteriously.
'kraut' shelf]

Step 4:

Make them. See _Utopia Parkway_ the netzine/emailing (subscribe now!) for details.
[process picture]

Step 5:

Ponder the beauty and wonder that is EGG JIGGLERS.
[the finished product]

Step 6:

Enjoy them:

Or maybe it's better to just watch *other* people enjoy them:

All back issues are now and forevermore available online, filed under "Roadkill." Look for many more diners here!

[image of feet]